Looking for a Scripture Memory Project?

Do Not Depart is starting a new project Monday, September 6th. They will be memorizing Matthew 7:1-14.  You can sign up here. They also have resources available to help you and a facebook group for encouragement.  In the past, the group has memorized Matthew 5 and 6.  This will conclude The Sermon on the Mount.  I have participated in the Matthew 5 and 6 project, but I have decided to sit this one out.  I may come back to it at a later date. Our church here in Japan has been memorizing Revelation 21 and 22 this year.  It has been such a blessing to me personally. I did well and kept up with everyone on chapter 21, but I a struggling with chapter 22. I want to finish it!!  I don’t feel like I can add another project to the mix right now.  I will continue to participate in the facebook group for encouragement.

I am also working on being more consistent with review.  I am currently reviewing Romans 8.  While setting  up a review system and beginning to work it was time-consuming, I find that I am getting a rhythm going.  It is not taking as much time now and I can do it while doing other things such as getting ready in the morning or cooking a meal.

Let me know if you decide to sign up for this project or another project that you are working on.  Let’s encourage one another!!

One thought on “Looking for a Scripture Memory Project?

  1. Thank you for sharing about our next challenge, Kim! Regardless of what passage we’re memorizing, it’s still great to be memorizing together. Cheering you on to finish Revelation. That’s quite an accomplishment! I know you can do it by God’s grace.

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