Worth the Read

Scripture memory is something that has been life-changing for me. It has been an important part of my walk with the Lord.  Lately, I find myself floundering.  I came across some great posts that have been so helpful to me with this, so I wanted to share them with you.

If you have any tips for Scripture memory, please comment so that we can encourage one another!

What? Me Memorize Scripture?

“Don’t give up on Scripture memory before you’ve even tried. You can do it and the effort is more than worth it.”

When Memorizing Isn’t Fun Anymore?

But what do you do when the fire has gone out? Perhaps you can remember a time when memorizing Scripture was the highlight of your day. Your zeal for God’s Word was a bright flame that consumed your heart. But now, for some unexplainable reason, that flame has been reduced to an ember. The sad and simple truth is that you just don’t feel like memorizing anymore.

If this describes your experience, don’t be discouraged! Generations of memorizers can relate to your struggle.”

The Bible Is On My Phone, So Why Memorize?

“Nothing in your pocket, however convenient on good days, can compare with the nearness of God’s Word in your heart on bad days!”

When You Don’t Know What to Say, Say This

This article was perhaps the most helpful to me during this slump. So many times we don’t know what to say or what to pray for with someone, but we can always pray Scripture that we have memorized!!

2 thoughts on “Worth the Read

  1. Joleen

    I use the remember me app. It makes it easy and fun with an automatic review. It can be used in many languages too. I learn verses in German and in English with the same app. And I can pick any version I choose. Check it out!

    1. Thanks! I will! I memorize verses in Japanese once l in a while but right now the church here is memorizing Revelation 21. They are going too fast and I can’t keep up. I’m sort of old-school with 3 x 5 cards. I tried another memory app but it was too difficult. I was working too much on my typing skills instead of my memory. I haven’t heard of this app before I’ll definitely check it out. Reviewing is my biggest problem. It frustrates me when I forget what I’ve learned in the past. I keep reminding myself that something is better than nothing!

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